Disaster Dogs of Illinois (DDI) is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization, which continues to develop K-9 and Handler teams for disaster team deployment once they have achieved nationally recognized and accepted certification from the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) or other National Search Dog certifying agency for the purpose of assisting in the location of trapped, missing, or buried victims during natural or manmade disasters.
The mission of DDI is to train, equip, and deploy the highest quality, certified K-9/Handler Urban Search and Rescue teams possible at no cost to those in need. DDI is dedicated to the education and service to find those live souls that are trapped, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to escape to safety following any disaster whether natural or manmade.
Short-Term Goal
To add additional trained, certified, equipped and deployable K-9/handler teams. This includes K-9 support vehicles, Disaster equipment trailer, and mobile operations center.
Long-Term Goal
To have 3 Task Force's (TF) of 5 K-9/handlers in 3 Regions of Illinois (North) TF-Region1, Central TF-Region 2 and South TF-Region 3) ready in Strike Team configuration able to operate separately or support each other during extended operations.